Apply for a stipend
Do you, your team or school have a fantastic attitude and team spirit? Tell us about it and apply for a Valio Akatemia® stipend. Application for year 2025 has ended.
Valio Akatemia® stipends
Do you need help to start a hobby, to buy equipment or pay for a training camp or tournament trip, an event, coaching or, possibly, nutritional development? Do you have a fantastic idea of how to get your friends and the neighbourhood kids to exercise more?
Apply for a Valio Akatemia® stipend and make your dreams and goals come true!
Which type of stipend is best for you?
Types of stipend include:
- Monetary stipend
- Product stipend
- Event stipend
- Various nutrition stipends
Monetary stipend
Monetary stipends directly support a child’s or young person’s sports hobby. Training camp and practise fees, travel, and facility expenses, as well as equipment.
The value of a stipend is considered on a case-by-case basis and on the intended use. It is also influenced by the overall interest: how many and what kind of applications we get for each year. Stipends may be given at a value different than what was applied for. Monetary stipends for 2024 were valued at 250–750 €.
Product stipend
Do you need healthy snacks for training sessions, trips, training camps or everyday life?
A product stipend means €250 worth of snacks for your needs: protein drinks, porridges, smoothies, and berry soups.
Event stipend
Event stipends can be granted for a tournament, camp, or various competitions and sports events.
Valio Akatemia® collaborates with children and youths’ sports events. Your application should contain information about the event and the ways we can collaborate.
Various nutrition stipends
We provide sporty and active youths with the opportunity to find solutions for their questions about nutrition, meal, and training rhythms as well as guidance with cooking. Guidance may be personal or planned for the team/school group. Courses are carried out with experts in sports nutrition and the Martha Organisation.
Nutrition stipends are intended for active 10–18-year-olds.
Snack or cooking course
The Martha Organisation’s trained home economics advisors hold 2–3 hour snack and cooking courses where you’ll learn to make nutritious and varied meals as well as easy-to-pack snacks that keep. During the cooking sessions, the youngsters will learn about how to eat smarter.
These courses are held in the Martha Organisation’s teaching kitchen or the school’s home economics classroom. The courses are meant for groups of 8–24. These stipends are valued at €500-1000.
Small group guidance
Experts in sports nutrition hold individual nutrition training sessions for teams as well as athlete and school groups.
Groups will receive guidance on meal rhythms, how to time training and meals, as well as nutrition with consideration for the group or team’s discipline. The maximum group size is 25 people. These stipends are valued at €500–600.
Nutrition lesson
An expert in sports nutrition can hold a lesson or lecture at various events, schools and sports clubs.
Lessons include matters about an athlete’s meal rhythm, timing of training sessions and meals as well as nutrition quality. These stipends are valued at €250.
Individual guidance on nutrition
An expert in sports nutrition can provide personal nutrition guidance with the help of a meal diary. The participant fills out a five-day meal diary in advance. Using the meal diary, the expert helps the participant with their meal rhythm, timing of training sessions and meals, and the quality of their nutrition.
Personal nutrition guidance is available to youths of 13 years or older. These stipends consist of three one-hour sessions and are valued at €300.